The relationship between Sabrina Spellman and her aunts, Hilda and Zelda Spellman, seems to be unbreakable. After the death of her parents it was her aunts who raised her, and even after Sabrina discovered that she was not Edward Spellman’s biological daughter Hilda and Zelda demonstrated that they were still ride or die for her, forever.

But with that said, their relationships obviously aren’t perfect. Hilda and Zelda have been good parents, but they’ve made mistakes with Sabrina too. These are the 10 worst things that they’ve done to their niece.

Pushing Sabrina Towards Lucifer

At the end of this latest season of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Sabrina seems to have finally embraced her role in the Dark Lord’s world and in hell, an idea that Zelda and Hilda were entirely displeased with.

But the ultimate irony of that is that were it not for the aunts constantly pushing Sabrina to do whatever the Dark Lord bid her to, she probably wouldn’t have ended up in this position in the first place. If they had followed Sabrina’s lead, this may have never happened.

Stifling Sabrina’s Independence

It’s fair to say that a lot of raising teenagers involves trying to rein them in when they think they’re ready to break free and live their lives independently. And Sabrina Spellman has a stronger independent streak than most young girls her age.

However, despite the fact that Sabrina is constantly going against the grain, she actually seems to wind up being right in the end far more often than she’s wrong. So the fact that Zelda and Hilda spent so much time trying to tame her transgressiveness seems like a mistake and disservice to Brina.

Keeping Secrets From Her

The Spellmans all have a nasty habit of keeping secrets from each other, but often times Zelda and Hilda withheld information from Sabrina about her past that she really deserved to know, or even needed to know.

Frankly, a lot of the conflict between them as well as the conflict between Brina and the Dark Lord could have been avoided had they just told her the truth, and they may have figured out a lot of things about Sabrina had they pooled all of their information together earlier too.

Teaching Her Poor Conflict Resolution Skills

To be fair, it’s not as if Zelda and Hilda are well adjusted women who know how to handle disagreements with each other and just withheld that information from Sabrina, but you’d think that becoming parents to an orphaned child might inspire some maturity at some point.

The Cain pit is an incredibly useful tool in the Spellman tool belt, but it clearly has done nothing to benefit Zelda and Hilda’s conflict resolution. And of course, a kid watching her parents repeatedly murder each other isn’t great role modeling.

Allowing Her To Grow Up In The Mortal Realm

Sabrina is a half-mortal, half-witch girl. So on paper, it makes some sense that her aunts would raise her as both a mortal and a witch. There is even an argument to be made that it’s the right thing to do.

However, Sabrina has magical powers, and all of the ups, downs, and dangers that come along with it. By allowing Sabrina to live in the mortal realm, they were putting the mortals around her in danger, and therefore making her responsible for helping them when they found themselves in magical danger.

Trying To Convince Her To Give Up Her Mortal Life

It was one thing to let Sabrina grow up with one foot in the mortal realm, and one foot in the magical one. But it seems exceptionally hypocritical and inconsiderate to allow Sabrina to develop an entire life with her mortal compatriots and then expect her to just give it up when the time came.

Sabrina obviously didn’t want to, but she shouldn’t have had to either, and if the aunts knew they wanted her to at some point then they should have kept her from the mortal world to begin with.

Encouraging Sabrina’s Dark Baptism

Every witch and warlock who is born into the Church of Night, or who is born into Satanism in general, is expected to have a dark baptism. And for most kids, this is something that they look forward to a great deal. But that was not the case for Sabrina Spellman.

Sabrina had a lot of misgivings about her dark baptism, and instead of answering or even acknowledging her questions about it, the aunts just tried to convince her to overlook her concerns and go ahead with it.

Trying To Get Sabrina To Sign The Book Of The Beast

Clearly religious traditions and rites mean a lot to the Spellman family, just as they do to any other family who follows the Dark Lord. But Sabrina is just a teenage girl when she is commanded to sign her free will away into the Book of the Beast, and the aunts, along with everyone else around her, encourages her to do it without a second thought.

And when Hilda actually began to see Sabrina’s point and allow her some leeway, Zelda literally killed her for it.

Teaching Sabrina To Submit To The Dark Lord

The Dark Lord is literally the god of their religion, so it’s not entirely unusual that the aunts teach Sabrina to submit to god’s will. But Satan’s decisions and ideas for Sabrina’s future have proven themselves to be unreliable at best, and nightmarish at worst, so their blind faith in him seems unfounded.

Thankfully Sabrina knew enough to rebel against him, but if the aunts had anything to do with it, she likely never would have questioned Lucifer’s edicts in the first place.

Teaching Her Submission And Free Will

Religious hypocrisy is nothing new, but a lot of the selling points that Hilda and Zelda push on Sabrina as a reason to follow the Dark Lord seems to be entirely contradictory. They say that Lucifer is not a representation of evil, but is a representation of free will and freedom of choice.

And yet, up until the moment that the Dark Lord pushes things a bridge too far, they both encourage her to submit to Satan’s will and do as he commands without question.