Apple’s streaming web TV service has been rumored for nearly a year now, with reports originating last March claiming that Apple was planning to announce a service at $30-$40 per month. The service was said to feature upwards of 25 channels and be available on the fourth-gen Apple TV. Recently, however, reports have claimed that Apple’s talks with major networks have stalled. Now, speaking to CNN, CBS CEO Les Moonves has confirmed that talks between Apple and CBS have stopped recently.

“We had conversations awhile back, and we haven’t had recent conversations with them,” Moonves said regarding CBS’ talks with Apple regarding a streaming TV service. Regarding current talks about streaming TV, Moonves said that “the phone is always ringing,” but it appears none of those calls are from Apple anymore.

In the past, Moonves commented that Apple was “having conversations with everyone about doing their own streaming service,” even going as far as to say CBS was “very excited” about reaching a deal for the service.

Recent reports have echoed Moonves’ comments. In December, it was reported that Apple had suspended its plans for a web TV service due to the struggles it was facing in negotiating with networks, something that has plagued Apple since it began its mission to launch streaming TV. ESPN’s president delivered a similar message last month.

In an interview last November, Eddy Cue bounced around the idea of Apple launching a streaming service, explaining that with the tvOS App Store, networks are free to release their own subscription services at their own prices.