Catwoman usually sticks to just a few different looks, but she’s one of the few comic book characters whose costume changes have mostly been stellar. One of her more iconic looks is the grey suit Selina Kyle wore in Batman: The Animated Series. That suit is about to make a comeback with a twist on the classic look.

Sean Gordon Murphy (Batman: White Knight) announced on his Twitter a new Catwoman series alongside Blake Northcott (Vampirella). The book will be co-plotted and feature covers from Murphy and colors by his longtime collaborator Matt Hollingsworth. The book is set for a 2020 release date.

Murphy revealed a small preview of Catwoman’s new digs, which is a twist on the Batman: The Animated Series look. In the image, Catwoman is in the jungle with a panther and a young kid. Her outfit features long black leather boots and gloves, as well as her original belt. However, what’s noticeably different is Catwoman’s mask as it features cat whiskers alongside the cheeks.

Murphy is an incredible artist as well as a talented writer who’s not afraid to add his own twists on the Batman mythos. His Batman: White Knight and Batman: Curse of the White Knight are both excellent reimaginings and takes on DC’s most iconic characters. His redesigns have also been stellar - specifically, his redesign of Batgirl’s costume, as well as his redesign of Azrael.

Like some of Murphy’s previous work, the new Catwoman look borrows some of the best features from the character’s history and introduces some new elements that modernize the look. The higher boots and cat whiskers are both elements that add to Catwoman’s costume without sticking out too much. The outfit seems like something Catwoman would actually come up with and wear. It’s fresh and plays up the sillier elements of her cat persona without being distracting.

It’s unclear at the moment whether Murphy, Northcott and Hollingsworth’s run will take over as the main Catwoman title. Considering Murphy’s most recent work, it seems safe to assume it’s a limited series where he’ll be allowed to play around more with the characters and world than if he suddenly took over the ongoing series. We’ll update this post when more details are revealed on what this book means for Catwoman’s current ongoing series. Regardless, Murphy and Northcott teaming up on a book is exciting news. The first reveal is a promising start for the all-new take on Catwoman.

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