Netflix treated Castlevania fans to a Valentine’s Day surprise with the first trailer for the show’s third season. The streaming giant’s impressive video game adaptation began with the games’ primary antagonist, Dracula, declaring war on humanity after the wrongful execution of his wife for witchcraft. That first season was primarily spent uniting the show’s heroes - disgraced vampire hunter Trevor Belmont, adventurous mage Sypha, and Dracula’s own son, Alucard - before ramping things up in season 2 as the trio faced off with Dracula’s war council.

The second season provided fans the climactic confrontation with the vampire king that they’d been waiting for, but also spent a great deal of time fleshing out some of the ancillary members of Castlevania’s vampire court, most notably the human forge masters, Hector and Isaac, and the ambitious vampire Carmilla. That attention to world building looks like it will pay off this coming season as the show moves beyond Dracula’s death to explore the machinations of these new antagonists.

The Castlevania season 3 trailer doesn’t hold anything back and the coming battles with Carmilla and co. look to be just as bloody and brutal as in seasons past. There’s more creatures of the night terrorizing villages, more vampires plotting global domination, and more flaming whips for fans to sink their teeth into. Give the Castlevania season 3 trailer a watch, below:

This season the main cast appears far more scattered. After spending most of season 2 cooped up in a library, Team Belmont has split up with Trevor and Sypha off doing battle with the forces of evil, while Alucard has taken up residence in the combined Castle Dracula and Belmont Estate. Carmilla, meanwhile, is off continuing the vampiric war and making good use of her enslaved forge master, Hector. Finally, Isaac, last seen wandering through a desert with a growing army of undead, appears to have taken his journey east for some samurai action. The official synopsis released alongside the trailer reads as follows: “Belmont and Sypha settle into a village with sinister secrets, Alucard mentors a pair of admirers, and Isaac embarks on a quest to locate Hector.”

Any fans worried that the show would lose its momentum following the death of Dracula should be assured now that that is far from the case. If anything, Castlevania looks like it will only continue escalating things from here as Carmilla appears to be a far more sadistic and motivated villain than the show’s version of Dracula ever was. There’s also the mystery of Isaac’s plans as his distaste for his fellow humans has not waned given his proclamation in the trailer that, “The human race is poisonous and corrupt and should be wiped off the world.” It’s anyone’s guess what his machinations have in store for Trevor, Sypha, and the rest of humanity.

Of course, there’s still the looming question of whether or not we’ve really seen the last of Dracula. The show painted him as a misunderstood if misanthropic scientist and loving husband who only became the monster most feared him to be through grief. By the end of season 2, he had even realized his errors and submitted to his death. While that seems like a resolute end to his character arc, the games have found no shortage of ways to bring Dracula back and his status as the main antagonist has hardly ever wavered. As the trailer’s tagline warns, “Evil Never Stays Buried”, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise if the show isn’t finished with Dracula just yet. Answers to these questions and more bloody vampire action will be revealed when season 3 of Castlevania hits Netflix on March 5th for its longest season yet.

Next: What To Expect From Castlevania Season 3

Source: Netflix