A writer decided he wanted to be more in touch with the way cops handled business for his new book became a liaison of sorts. Castle followed the life of novelist Richard Castle as he joined the 12th Precinct in New York City which didn’t go over well with everyone involved.

While glued to the TV watching Castle, Kate Beckett, Espo, and Ryan solve crimes, we became engulfed in their lives. We anticipated the romances, the chases but still mourned when the end came. Over time, we fell in love and even despised some of the characters. Here are the top 10 characters from the hit ABC show Castle.

Roy Montgomery

To understand why Beckett was so gung-ho all the time, you have to understand who Roy Montgomery was. To be fair, he was just a rookie cop at the wrong place at the wrong time. In an attempt to bring down the Italian Mafia, an incident occurred that forever changed his and Beckett’s life. While the murder was covered up, it was Montgomery who had to live with the consequences that came with it.

He thought he had a second chance at redemption when Kate Beckett walked into his life but in the end, his loyalty to Kate and her mother’s memory cost him his life as he made amends with his past.

Haley Shipton

The character from across the pond who made her own lane on Castle. Haley was a breath of fresh air who should have been given more screentime. Although she was a partner of Castle’s, Haley lived to do things her way. Her presence in Castle’s life was not by coincidence and his missing timeline revealed that he knew Haley during that stretch.

A former member of the British Intelligence Unit, Haley is great at the spy game and one of the real characters with proper hand-to-hand combat skills.

Victoria Gates

After the death of Montgomery, there was a need to shake things up a bit. The 12th Precinct had become too loose and they needed someone to tighten the reigns. Enter Victor Gates. Nicknamed the “Iron Gates”, Victoria was known for her by-the-book approach and a low tolerance for nonsense.

It was a great move by the writers to add this element to the show as it gave Castle a friendly enemy to deal with. Gates didn’t like Castle at all. She thought having a civilian tagging along and hanging out at the Precinct was a joke.

Lanie Parish

As with most of the cops at the 12th Precinct, Lanie Parris was not a huge fan of Castle being added to the team. Unlike Beckett, Lainey has a sense of humor but it can be so direct, that you gift to laugh. She’s sarcastic but truthful. Her bond with Kate is just as strong as what Kate and Castle shared. Lanie is in search of love and believes that she found it with Espo but they just can’t seem to get on the same page most of the time.

There’s not much Lanie hasn’t seen as mist casts on Castles goes through her. As a Cital Staticists/Coroner, its Lanie who the team turns to when they need a huge break in the case.

Martha Rodgers

A former actress who still lives in the past, Martha Rodgers did a great job as a single mother raising Castle. Now, she’s more of a doting grandmother and advice giver as she has her hands full offering life advice to her reckless son. She kept secrets from her son like who Castle’s father was as he was conceived in a one night stand.

A little down on her luck thanks to an ex-husband who wiped her out, she lives off and on with Castle and Alexis. Martha is there when Castle appears to be headed off to do something off base and helps keeps everyone on the show grounded.

Alexis Castle

Although she had it all, thanks to her famous and rich dad, Alexis never gave off that feeling of being snobbish and bratty-like. She was the complete opposite. Alexis always wanted to help people and she was just looking for her own voice in life. Her relationship with her mother was weird at best and she often stuck by her dad even when he went off the deep end at times.

You could tell early on, she wanted to be just like him. Not so much in the writing aspect of life, but in terms of trying to make situations right. Not too much of a love interest during her time on Castle but Alexis made her presence felt whenever she was on screen.

Kevin Ryan

A rookie mistake changed Ryan while working for Narcotics. He accidentally let the name of an informant slip and since then, Ryan has played everything close to the best and by the book. His partnership with Espo is a great dynamic on the show as both often take comedic jabs at one another.

Ryan is the only member of the team married with kids and is often taking heat for his.lige choices. He was the perfect partner for Espo who gave him the nickname Castle Jr.

Javier Esposito

A smart homicide detective but still dealing with the over-the-top machismo that he had while in the Armed Forces. Espo and Ryan were a great team but where Ryan saw a future, Espo went with the wind. In my opinion, he could have been a great leader but his pride often got in his own way from taking his career to the next level.

Ryan is more by the book while Espo will go off-script from time-to-time. It would’ve been great to see him romantically involved instead of the back and forth between him and Lanie.

Kate Beckett

Once Castle was able to break her wall down, Kate became more of a lovable character. Although headstrong and determined, Kate was all about the team and would do anything to make sure the truth was brought to light. She didn’t always follow orders, especially where Castle was concerned in the beginning but as the seasons moved on, Kate found a way to make it work.

Her career was based on questions then revenge in terms of what happened to her mother. A great detective who often found herself in tight situations.

Richard Castle

The king of words, sarcasm, and persistence, Richard Castle lives in his own world. One day he wanted to do research for a book and thought it would be wise to tag along with the NYPD. One decision would change his life forever. While not an official member of the department, Castle often found himself in trouble. Not allowed to carry a gun, he had to talk his way out of some tight situations.

Loyalty is a thing he cherished most and when it came to Kate and his family, Castle was not the man you wanted to cross.

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