The hit animated show King of the Hill follows a conservative Texas family with patriarch Hank Hill as the head of the household. For over 13 seasons audiences saw him and his friends and family and all their hilarious and epic adventures as they figure out life.

Although the show has been off the air for over 10 years, fans are bound to see the Hill family return due to its high popularity.

Updated July 21st, 2022 by Jacob Wallin: With a revival of King of the Hill supposedly on the horizon, the series is receiving renewed attention from fans old and new. With the show having such recognizable and beloved characters, people have debated for years who should make up the cast of a King of the Hill live-action movie. For those looking to catch up on the show, or start watching for the first time, the entire series of King of the Hill is available for streaming on Hulu.

Tom Hanks - Hank Hill

Starting off is the head of the Hill household and the star of King of the Hill, Hank. Hank is a practical, no-nonsense man with deeply instilled, hometown values and an unreasonable love for propane.

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Tom Hanks is one of Hollywood’s biggest stars due to his wide range and experience in acting. Forrest Gump demonstrates that he could pull off the southern accent and with his stern yet friendly manner, he is perfect for a real-life Hank Hill.

Laura Dern - Peggy Hill

Peggy Hill is Hank’s devoted and quirky wife. Peggy is nowhere near as stoic as Hank and her upbeat and motivated attitude made for some hilarious moments on the show, even though they also lead to more than a few issues for her and the Hill family.

An ideal candidate for a live-action Peggy would definitely be Laura Dern. Not only is she an exact look-alike to Peggy but several of Dern’s most memorable roles also share a similar personality to Peggy, with the same kind of eccentric passion that fans are so familiar with.

Alycia Debnam-Carey - Luanne Platter

Luanne is Hank and Peggy’s niece and strikingly beautiful 19-year-old ditzy yet lovable girl next door. Luanne always means well but her ignorance and lack of street smarts often put her in situations where Hank has to bail her out.

Alycia Debnam-Carey is mostly known for her roles in Fear the Walking Dead and The 100 and she is no damsel in distress. Carey normally plays the tough girl that can handle herself but she can definitely pull off the girl next door and has the looks required to play Luanne.

Lucky Kleinschmidt - Owen Wilson

Lucky, voiced by music legend Tom Petty, is introduced later in the show and becomes Luanne’s questionably older but dedicated boyfriend. Living off of the money he received in a dubious personal injury lawsuit, Lucky is a laid-back and optimistic man.

Owen Wilson has the comedic skills to pull off Lucky’s absurd dialogue and has a similar kind of reserved yet passionate personality. Wilson may be better looking than his cartoon counterpart, but he could make for a great Lucky.

Michael Rooker - Dale Gribble

Dale Gribble is one of Hank’s best friends and neighbors. Dale is also…a little off. He is paranoid, sort of creepy, and just a little bit eccentric to top off his outlandish conspiracy theories. By day, he is an exterminator with questionable methods and by night he’s shooting the bull with Hank and company.

Actor Michael Rooker is well known for his eccentric characters who are not always the most stable-minded. All perfect qualities for taking up the mantle of a live-action Dale Gribble.

Jeremy Ray Taylor - Bobby Hill

Bobby Hill is Hank and Peggy’s 13-year-old son with a very unique personality. Bobby is lazy, innovative, funny, dramatic, and everything in between. Bobby is arguably one of the most loved characters on the show and is responsible for some of King of the Hill’s funniest scenes. He’s quite a personality, with hundreds of episodes revolving around him and his hi-jinks.

RELATED: 15 Funniest Bobby Hill Quotes

Jeremy Ray Taylor was one of the talented chill actors that starred in the horror movie IT. At 16, Taylor is significantly older than Bobby but his range as an actor can cover all aspects of Bobby’s unique personality.

Cotton Hill - Danny DeVito

Cotton Hill is Hank’s geriatric and mean-spirited father whose coldness toward Hank is largely responsible for his own personality quirks. Cotton is a World War II veteran with an aggressive personality and a not-so-healthy attitude towards women.

Danny DeVito is an actor who needs no introduction, having played dozens of hilarious roles over decades. Roles like Frank in It’s Always Sunny proves that he can play an unlikeable character and still make them hilarious, and he even has a somewhat similar voice to Cotton. As a live-action Cotton Hill, few could do better than Danny DeVito.

John C Reilly - Bill Dauterive

Bill Dauterive is an Army barber and one of Hank’s closest friends along with Boomhauer and Dale. Bill has had a tough life with a lot heartbreaks and just plain bad luck. He is often the butt of jokes due to his appearance and gullible nature but he still manages to stay positive and be a lovable character and loyal friend to Hank.

John C Reilly needs no introduction or explanation as he’s been in comedic movies for years, creating several iconic characters along the way. Apart from looking alike, both Reilly and Bill share the lovable idiot persona onscreen and can make for a perfect live-action casting choice.

Matthew McConaughey - Boomhauer

Boomhauer is another interesting character and a close friend to Hank. He is one of the most well-known characters due to his fast, incoherent speech and his way with the ladies. He’s a mysterious character whose life is rarely expanded on outside of when he’s drinking a beer with Hank and company.

When it comes to polarizing personalities with a smooth tongue for talking to girls, there is no one better than Matthew McConaughey. Along with McConaughey’s recognizable voice, he also has the dashing good looks, suave attitude, and range to play Boomhauer to perfection.

Adam Beach - John Redcorn

John Redcorn is a minor recurring character but an important one due to his history with Dale. Redcorn is irresistible to the women of the neighborhood and he knows it. As the real father to Dale and his wife’s son, John Redcorn is one of the less likable side characters on King of the Hill, but deep down he is a good person.

RELATED: The Best Episode Of Every Season Of King of The Hill, Ranked

With Redcorn’s serious and comedic moments, Native American actor Adam Beach is perfect for the role. He has the looks, the charm, and the long flowing hair that makes him irresistible, and the perfect choice for a live-action John Redcorn.

Ali Wong - Minh Souphanousinphone

Minh is another minor recurring character but when she shows up in an episode, there are a lot of funny and memorable moments. Mihn is the wife of Hank’s nemesis/neighbor Khan, and the mother of Bobby’s girlfriend. She also has a snarky and sarcastic attitude that makes her a fan favorite.

When it comes to sarcasm, snarky remarks, and overall hilarious moments, there’s no one who could do it better than Ali Wong. As a comedian and star of movies like Always Be My Maybe, she’s well-suited for the role.

Ken Jeong - Kahn Souphanousinphone

Rounding off the cast is the cocky and arrogant, sometimes annoying Kahn. He has an unspoken rivalry with Hank and constantly looks to talk down to Hank and his family, feeling he is better than everyone.

When it comes to unstable and somewhat arrogant knuckleheads, there is no one better than Ken Jeong. Jeong has more than proved his comedic talent and shares a resemblance to Kahn. The potential of seeing him and Ali Wong share screentime can make for a show-stealing performance.

NEXT: The 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Episodes Of King Of The Hill