When world renowned actress and icon Carrie Fisher suddenly died of a heart attack a few years ago, the entire world found itself in shock and mourning at the loss. Carrie had a long, colorful, and entertaining career as an actress and writer in Hollywood, but she died at a relatively young 60 years old, and it felt like she had so much left to offer the world that the world now wouldn’t get to see.

Carrie is obviously most recognizable for her role as Princess Leia in the worldwide blockbuster film series Star Wars, but her talents were many and she didn’t let them go to waste. This daughter of Hollywood (her mom was actress Debbie Reynolds and her father was singer Eddie Fisher) was apparently born to entertain, and entertain she did. So here are Carrie Fisher’s 10 highest rated films of all time, according to Rotten Tomatoes.

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi - 81%

In the original Star Wars trilogy, it’s pretty unanimously agreed up on that Return of the Jedi is the weakest entry into an incredibly strong series of films. However, it’s still a bit of a surprise to see it at number 10 on the list of Carrie Fisher’s highest rated films, mostly because who knew that she worked on so many awesome movies besides the Star Wars flicks? Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi was a return to the light side of the force, and after all of the drama of the previous two films it was nice to see all of the characters safe and happy at least.

The Blues Brothers - 84%

Carrie Fisher is more well known as the queen of science fiction, and her most iconic role doesn’t involve much more comedy than the standard Princess Leia quips and sass that we’ve all come to know and love. However one of Carrie Fisher’s best and highest rated movies is one of the funniest comedies ever made, The Blues Brothers.

The Blues Brothers stars the incomparable Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi as the titular Blues brothers, and Carrie Fisher plays the ex-fiance of Aykroyd’s character who attempts to murder him in the movie. The Blues Brothers is an absolute classic, and Carrie’s presence in the film only makes it better.

Postcards From The Edge - 87%

Everyone knows of Carrie Fisher as the very accomplished actress who has become synonymous with her universally beloved Star Wars character, Princess Leia. But a lot of people may not realize that Fisher was also an incredibly talented and accomplished writer as well. One of Fisher’s best films is actually a movie that was based on her own semi-autobiographical novel, Postcards From the Edge. Carrie really put her own experiences with addiction and familial issues at the front and center of this story, and it’s fascinating to see the fictionalized version of Carrie’s relationship with her mom Debbie played out by the incomparable acting duo of Meryl Streep and Shirley MacLaine.

When Harry Met Sally… - 90%

Romantic comedies might have a reputation as kind of superficial and lighthearted films, but the classic romcom When Harry Met Sally… is so great that it transcends the traditional boundaries of it’s own genre. Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal play the iconic titular couple, and Carrie stars as Ryan’s best friend and permanent sidekick, Marie. Watching fictional characters fall in love really never gets old, but this ultra witty movie really redefined what romantic comedies could or should be. Carrie Fisher obviously wasn’t the star of this flick, but like any other movie that she’s ever been in, the film was only made better by her performance.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi - 91%

Carrie Fisher went from a virtually unknown actress to a worldwide icon when she scored the role of Princess Leia in the surprise global phenomenon, Star Wars. And while the prequels were a bit of a rough time for everyone, this current trilogy of Star Wars films is absolutely brilliant and a smashing success.

In this new series Princess Leia has become General Leia, and she is still every bit of the rebellious badass that everyone would hope to see from this perennially sassy lass. It’s heartbreaking to realize that this is her last Star Wars film, but it’s great that she could go out on such a high.

Hannah And Her Sisters - 91%

Carrie Fisher may have been a queen of blockbuster films, but she made a lot of really high quality independent films as well. Woody Allen’s cancellation came about three decades after it should have, but his grimy behavior doesn’t change the fact that he has made some seriously good movies over the course of his career. Hannah and Her Sisters is undeniably one of his best, and this unique film obviously focuses on a group of sisters and their experiences over the course of two years. Fisher plays the supporting character of April, a struggling actress who has started a catering company with one of the aforementioned sisters.

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens - 93%

When George Lucas sold the rights to Star Wars off to Disney it was a somewhat scary prospect, because the thought of having even more big and small screen entries into the Star Wars universe was a thrilling idea, but after the spectacular crash and burn of the prequel trilogy most Star Wars fans were concerned that Disney would be the nail in the coffin of this iconic franchise. But luckily Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens came out and knocked everyone’s socks off. It was incredible to see Princess Leia and the whole original crew back in the mix, and this movie really set the standard for the new Star Wars era.

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - 93%

Every single Star Wars film ever made has it’s own strengths that make it an entertaining and memorable movie, and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope is no exception.

This gleeful space adventure thrust it’s audience into a whole new world of galactic wars, princesses, and mystical warriors, and the entirety of the human race seemed to consume this unique and new idea with ardent enthusiasm. The movie itself is amazing, and Carrie Fisher is amazing in it. When anyone hears the word “princess” they typically think of demure damsels in distress, so seeing the sassy and strong Princess Leia for the first time was completely unforgettable.

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - 95%

It’s extremely rare that something is so undeniably awesome that it stands apart as the almost universally agreed upon best of it’s kind, but that is definitely the case when it comes to Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. A New Hope was a brilliant first entry into this saga, but The Empire Strikes Back is widely considered to be one of the best movies of all time. George Lucas’ level of creativity is undeniable, but his ability to make this middle section of the original Star Wars trilogy into a movie that was more thrilling that the first film and that left the audience desperate to see the next film was very impressive.

Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds - 100%

Carrie Fisher was an extremely talented actress and writer, but the fact that the documentary Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds is her highest rated film on Rotten Tomatoes and comes in at a score of an astounding 100% just demonstrates that Carrie’s strengths as an actor and author couldn’t hold a candle to Carrie’s strengths as an actual person. Carrie and Debbie are two of the most famous actresses in history, and watching their relationship unfold in this documentary was heartfelt and compelling. And of course, Carrie stood out as a shining star on her own because of her incomparable self awareness and sense of humor.