Writer Frank Tieri and artists Angel Unzueta and Guillermo Sanna’s Ruins of Ravencroft: Sabretooth #1 has more (easter) eggs than a Flerken brood – including one that hints that the Marvel’s fan-favorite, alien cat might not have been Earth’s first after all.

As Misty Knight, John Jameson, Mr. Fantastic, and Wilson Fisk explored the literal ruins of Ravencroft in Ruins of Ravencroft: Carnage, they discovered a hidden staircase revealed by construction. Given the sinister feeling writer Frank Tieri has masterfully set and the startling revelations about Ravencroft’s dark past, the better part of valor might have been to leave the mysterious spiral staircase and perhaps the land itself well enough alone. However, when the unlikely group enters the sub-level in this issue, they find a secret lab whose specimens form a horrific run-through of Marvel history with species from all across the universe on display. One specimen in particular, however, might be the next clue in uncovering the limited history of a fan-favorite race.

One of the first specimens the team discovers, right next to plans about Frankenstein’s monster, is a taxidermied Flerken. Given the scope of specimens in the lab, and the wide range of implications their presence suggests, the Flerken seems like a small part of the whole. Except that the Flerken connection to Earth has remained both mysterious and solely centered around Captain Marvel’s “cat” Chewie (or Goose to MCU fans). With limited knowledge about not only how or why Chewie came to Earth but also the history of why Flerkens are nearly extinct, this little glimpse of another Flerken plays a relatively significant role in uncovering more about the species.

Carol Danvers originally met Chewie in her fight with Sir Warren Traveler during the House of M event in Giant-Size Ms. Marvel #1 . Desperate, Carol threw the seemingly ordinary cat at Sir Warren, and given that he disappeared, it seems the Flerken decided to help out her new friend. It was not until later when Carol had become Captain Marvel that Rocket Raccoon revealed in a madcap story arc the true nature of Carol’s cat as a Flerken. Rocket suggested that Chewie was the last of her kind (until she laid a bunch of Fler-kitten eggs), and until now his statement at the time has held true.

Chewie’s origin as part of the World of M reality has not only remained mysterious but long cast doubt on the idea the Flerken originally belonged in Earth-616. Chewie only makes her way back to Captain Marvel, and the Earth-616 reality, at the side of Sir Warren Traveler. Rocket’s knowledge of the race implies a previous presence, but in terms of Chewie’s history specifically, the facts remain sparse. However, the presence of another Flerken (albeit a stuffed one) not only suggests a further history for Flerkens on Earth, but might also hint at a reason for Chewie to be there as well. Was Chewie looking for a lost relative swallowed up by Ravencroft? And how does someone even taxidermy a being with a pocket dimension inside them?

With an overwhelming sense of possibility crammed into this issue, the presence of a new Flerken is one of many clues that could unravel with interesting consequences in the Marvel Universe. However, with Ravencroft playing a big role in Marvel’s 2020 line-up, with any luck this particular easter egg will lead to a more in-depth story arc of Flerken history. It would be the perfect way to honor this unknown Flerken’s unfortunate fate.

Ruins of Ravenscroft: Sabretooth #1 is available for purchase now at your local comics shop or online.

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