Captain Marvel helped to put Thanos in his place in Avengers: Endgame, proving herself to be one of the MCU’s heaviest hitters. Now, she’s giving a piece of her mind (and fist) to the misogyny, the sexism, and the online trolls that tried to spoil her MCU debut. She’s just doing it in the Avengers comics, instead.

It’s safe to say that anyone who was paying attention to Captain Marvel’s pre-Endgame release noticed the many ‘controversies’ created. From Brie Larson’s demand for a more inclusive press tour twisted into ‘attacks on white men,’ and online trolls review-bombing Captain Marvel before it was even released. While the best and last laugh went to Captain Marvel’s box office, a woman like Carol Danvers never forgets. And in the pages of Marvel’s Avengers comic series, she’s planting her fist on the chin of every troll who tried to hold her down.

The series from Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness is currently throwing the Avengers into battle against the Heralds of Galactus, with both sides trying to track down the new (and out of control) Starbrand. Having divided to engage the Heralds, it makes sense for Captain Marvel (in full, flaming binary form) to take on Firelord, the relatively noble-leaning warrior who once served Galactus. But when he gets the upper hand and takes the opportunity to condescend, Carol lets him know that she’s had enough, using some specific language to do it:

The reference won’t be lost on Captain Marvel fans who witnessed star Brie Larson and her character being attacked for seeming too serious, too grim, too bored, not happy enough – and a dozen other forms of what many called out for being synonymous with telling women to “smile more.” In fact, those criticisms were embraced by fans who quickly created ‘smiling’ edits of the MCU’s male heroes, shared by Larson online. While it wasn’t possible for Carol to slam a fist onto the chin of those ‘smile more’ trolls, the comic book version gets the honor. Especially since Captain Marvel smiled more than any MCU hero, in case anyone doubted the double-standard.

It remains to be seen if the movie version of Captain Marvel will get this same opportunity to fight back against ignorance, but for now, at least the comics have addressed the problem directly. Readers can get their own copy of Avengers #29 at their local comic book shop, and find the full credits and plot synopsis below:

  • AVENGERS #29 Written by: Jason Aaron Art by: Ed McGuinness Cover Art by: Ed McGuinness STARBRAND REBORN Part Three: THE RISE OF THE WAR WIDOW The battle for the Starbrand heats up like a supernova, as Captain Marvel goes toe to toe with Firelord, Ghost Rider races the Silver Surfer and Brood Thor… tries to eat the Avengers. Meanwhile the Black Widow kicks much butt in outer space with a bold new weapon in her arsenal. That’s right, the Black Widow + the War Machine armor = the all-new, all-deadly War Widow.

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