When it comes to inspiring others, few superheroes can make better speeches than Captain America. Whether he’s rallying an army or giving a pep talk to one friend in need, Captain America’s best punches can rarely match the impact of his words. Given that the Super Soldier Serum enhanced all of Steve Rogers’ natural abilities, it’s possible it made this patriotic kid from Brooklyn a super statesman as well as a super soldier.

Still, even great speechmakers have their off days, and Cap is no exception. Here, we’ll take a look at some of the most inspiring, admirable, and stand-up-and-cheer speeches Captain America has delivered over the years… and some even his most devoted fans wish they could forget.

10. Best: “The Price of Freedom Is High”

In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Steve Rogers discovers that enemy HYDRA agents have taken over the world security organization SHIELD and are preparing to kill thousands of people with SHIELD’s own Helicarriers. Unable to get to the Helicarriers in time, Cap reaches out to those who can, broadcasting a speech that urges SHIELD agents to stand up against their corrupt orders.

“I know I’m asking a lot,” Rogers admits. “The price of freedom is high. It always has been. It’s a price I’m willing to pay. And if I’m the only one, then so be it. But I’m willing to bet I’m not.” With these words, Cap reaffirms his commitment to liberty as well as his faith in the goodness of others. And it’s a faith that’s rewarded – upon hearing his words, a scared SHIELD tech refuses to launch the Hellicarriers even when a HYDRA agent puts a gun to his head. Now, that’s bravery!

9. Worst: “You Think This Letter on My Head Stands for France?”

Early Captain America comics published during World War II are littered with insults that degrade other countries. Thankfully, modern Cap has risen above such slurs. However, when Mark Millar reimagined Cap for Marvel’s Ultimate Universe, he created a boorish soldier who regularly airs his prejudices. At the climax of the Ultimates’ battle with an army of Chitauri aliens, the leader advises Cap to surrender. Furious, Ultimate Cap screams, “Surrender? You think this letter on my head stands for France?”

It’s a terrible statement that ignores everything the French Resistance did for the Allies during the war. Even Rogers admits his statement was, “Just one of those stupid things that come into your head sometimes when you’re pounding somebody” showing what a jerk this Cap is. And while his outburst isn’t a full-blown speech, the words are still influential. Both Ultimate Nick Fury and Hawkeye later tell Steve his France line was the funniest thing they’d heard (yes, they’re terrible people too).

8. Best: Endgame’s “Whatever It Takes”

Avengers: Endgame is full of memorable moments – but one of the most quoted moments comes before the Avengers’ time heist when Captain America gives a speech to his teammates. Emphasizing the gravity of the mission, Cap reminds the group they’re doing this to bring back their loved ones.

“This is the fight of our lives,” Cap promises. “And we’re going to win. Whatever it takes.” Even Rocket Raccoon, who has a snide comment for everything, can only say, “He’s pretty good at this!”

7. Worst: “Sure the Baston-Karions Are Rude Jerks…”

When Cap makes a speech, the Avengers listen. Unfortunately, this includes all the times when he delivers a lousy one. In the all-ages Marvel Adventures Avengers #26, the arrogant Baston-Karion aliens come to Earth to insult Earthlings for being useless – and then ask the Avengers to save their world from being eaten by the planet destroyer Galactus. While the Avengers aren’t exactly thrilled to help these alien creeps, Cap delivers a rallying speech, saying:

“Sure the Baston-Karions are rude jerks… [but] I know I won’t be able to sleep knowing I didn’t do my best to keep their world from being converted to caloric energy for an ancient being.” To Cap’s credit, Janet Van Dyne (aka Giant Girl) immediately runs to the Quinjet screaming, “Yeeeaahhh!!!” However, Storm admits, “That really wasn’t one of his better ones.”

6. Best: “Bring Freedom Back to America!”

Critics often view Captain America as an American propaganda figure. However, in What If…? #44, Cap shows his love for America has nothing to do with the country itself. In this alternate universe, Steve Rogers gets thawed out in 1984 and discovers a fake Captain America has been supporting an “America First” party that promotes xenophobia and censorship. Rogers defeats the faux Cap and then addresses the Americans who have been brainwashed by the fascist regime. He tells them:

It’s a shocking admonishment that shows Captain America is loyal only to the ideal of America, not to its government. While the story ends with the future of his America in an ambiguous state, Cap’s encouragement to the people to bring freedom back to America, clearly has an impact.

Without its ideals – its commitment to the freedom of all men, America is a piece of trash! I fought Adolf Hitler not because America was great, but because it was fragile! I knew that liberty could be as easily be snuffed out here as in Nazi Germany! As a people, we were no different from them!

5. Worst: Brainwashed “A White America is a Strong America!”

Despite his strong will, Captain America can be manipulated, at one point, falling victim to the evil Dr. Faustus who brainwashes Cap into becoming a white supremacist. Cap paints a swastika on his shield and makes a racist speech on camera, claiming “a white America is a strong America!” Fortunately, Daredevil manages to shake Cap to his senses, but not before Cap spouts some truly disgusting rhetoric. And it wouldn’t be the last time Cap’s relationship to fascism was used to disturb readers, more recently when Captain America became a Nazi ally in Secret Empire.

4. Best: “Plant Yourself Like a Tree”

During Marvel Comics’ Superhero Civil War, Spider-Man asks Cap how he can stand when the country is against him. In response, Cap tells Peter, “When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world – no, you move.”

If these lines sound familiar, it’s because they were later adapted into Peggy Carter’s speech in Captain America: Civil War, which convince MCU Cap to stand against the Sokovia Accords. Powerful words.

3. Worst: “So… You Got Detention.”

Unfortunately, MCU Captain America wasn’t as inspirational to Peter Parker as his comic book counterpart. In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Cap films a series of PSA videos for Peter’s school, including one for students in detention, telling them, “Maybe you were trying to be cool. Well, take it from a guy who’s been frozen for 65 years – the only way to really be cool is to follow the rules.” Peter immediately leaves. (Clearly, he should have listened to Cap’s other PSA on patience…)

2. Best: Captain America #250 – Turning Down the Presidency

With all the great speeches Captain America has delivered, it was only a matter of time he was asked to run for president. Cap turns down the offer – but he does it in a classy way. Telling his supporters that the presidency is one of the most important jobs in America, he adds an effective president must be able to compromise – something he can’t do in his own crusade for the American Dream. He reaffirms his faith in the people, however, telling them, “You need to look within yourselves to find the people you need to keep this nation strong and, God willing, to help make the dream come true!”

1. Worst: Captain America Joins The War on Drugs

Back in the 1990s, Cap joined the war on drugs. Unfortunately, he accidentally inhales a large amount of methamphetamine and ends up hooked on drugs. As he grows more irrational, he strong arms a drug dealer, stating, “If you don’t care about your own health, neither do I, but I do care that you’re contributing to a subculture that thrives on violence, murder, and the poisoning of this nation’s most precious resource – its youth.” While his words might reflect the feelings of many people, his bullying tactics and the fact that he was on drugs while delivering this speech make his talk hypocritical.

At least Captain America was basically articulate while he delivered this speech – by the next issue he was so drugged out and incoherent that he started clucking like a chicken (yes, really).

Next: Theory: Captain America Became Mr. Rogers After Traveling Back in Time