Call of Duty franchise has recently launched the online battle royale mode called Call of Duty: Warzone as a part of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The game becomes a massive hit due to the COD franchise and its improved graphics. But the great game also includes plenty of bugs and issues that you can’t even imagine as a COD player. Due to the online presence, the game is literally getting unbearable for plenty of PC users as a new Call of Duty Warzone error appears something like nvwgf2umx.dll crash.

So, if you’re also a Warzone PC player and facing the same error while launching the game like Error code: 0x00007ffb8d9b7efc 7505236 0xc0000005 nvwgf2umx.dll then you’re in the right place. This error code also mentions contacting customer service support on the screen as always. Now, the question is how you can understand where is the problem. Let us a break to briefly explain it to you.

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Steps to fix Call of Duty Warzone nvwgf2umx.dll crash

The DLL error code containing ‘NV’ indicates that the Warzone PC game is unable to start the game due to some issues with your Nvidia driver or app. Since we always recommend and most of the PC gamers know that in order to fix game-related issues, the graphics driver needs to be updated. But according to some of the Redditors, the game is still not launching even after upgrading the GPU drivers.

Then what to do? Here is a catch. Activision hasn’t mentioned any specific reason or solution yet on this issue. But in order to fix the COD Warzone Error code: 0x00007ffb8d9b7efc 7505236 0xc0000005 nvwgf2umx.dll, you will need to exit the Nvidia GeForce Experience app on your PC at first.

You can do this by clicking on the up-arrow icon on the taskbar and right-click on the GeForce Experience then click on Exit to close the running app. Once done, you can smoothly launch and run the Call of Duty Warzone game from the Steam client without any error code.

That’s it, guys. We assume that this simple trick will fix the malicious error that you’re getting while launching the Warzone PC game. You can comment below for more queries. Additionally, you can always check out the Activision Support page for further help or official announcements.