A new trailer of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, uploaded on the franchise’s official YouTube channel, promotes the free content of the game, saying it’s “the biggest free content drop” in the Call of Duty history. Before Modern Warfare’s official release date Activision, the publisher of the game, had already announced that the new title would not have loot boxes. Instead, the company said that the players would be able to purchase any item they need with COD points, earned by simply playing the game.

This move was much-needed to placate the players’ anger caused by rumors that the game would include microtransations, and have a multiplayer feature exclusive to PS4 for a full year. Additionally, to win back the Call of Duty fans’ loyalty, Activision has already added two waves of free content to Modern Warfare: the latest one was released in late November.

This new trailer, that appeared on Call of Duty’s official YouTube channel, goes one step further, announcing the new free content that will be released in December. “Lock and load into the biggest free content drop in the Call of Duty history”, says a fragmented slogan that appears in the video, with a starry sky as a background. Plus, the trailer announces that the players will get new multiplayer maps, weapons and Special Ops Missions, as well as a new ground war map, all for free.

Despite all the controversies, Modern Walfare broke several records days after its launch, and it’s estimated that it had the best digital opening sales among all the other games from Activision, earning over $600 million in the first three days after its official release. Industry experts forecasted that the game will be one of the best sellers this holiday season, together with Gearbox’s Borderlands 3 and Respawn Entertainment’s Jedi: Fallen Order.

The game has received several positive reviews so far, but if it isn’t free from issues: some gamers complained about the huge file size of the PC version, while others voiced their concern with the not-so-tasteful way the game depicts war violence. In particular, some Russian gamers found that the new Call of Duty title doesn’t represent their country in a fair way. For this reason, Activision made a very smart move by offering a huge amount of free content in order to gain back the trust of its fan base. With all those complimentary updates, it’s very likely that even the harshest critics will keep playing Modern Walfare this holiday season.

Next: The Best Loadouts & Weapons to Use in Modern Warfare Multiplayer

Source: Call of Duty/YouTube