Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has been a staple of the first-person shooter genre since the brand first launched in 2003. The game has gone through many iterations with different changes attached to the series. The multiplayer aspect itself has gone through many different modes that are now quite familiar to most out there who probably don’t even play the game. The multiplayer menu has a quick play option, which has most of the popular modes available, and there are more targeted modes outside of the quick play menu that are new or have been updated.

Domination and Deathmatch, for example, are modes that most gamers have seen in various other games not just in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. If a player is new to the series, or even for hardcore vets, some recent game modes that have been introduced and tweaked that might need a bit of a run through to know which mode might be more fun for different play styles. Here’s a small rundown of each multiplayer mode to help in picking the right mode a simpler one.

Quick Play In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

  • Team Deathmatch: This mode has anywhere between 1-6 players per team. The goal is to reach a score of 75 points, where each kill is a point, or have more points than the other team in a 10-minute time limit Free-For-All: No friends here, only enemies. Everyone is out to kill everyone and the score limit is 30 points. Be the first to get 30 or get the highest point number at the end of 10 minutes and come out a champion. Cyber Attack: With teams of 6, this mode puts players in a position to either plant a bomb (EMP in this mode) or diffusing it. A few differences between this mode and others is when a player gets downed, reviving is only done by another teammate or if the round ends. If your entire team dies then the match is over. It’s important to note that even when the bomb is diffused, the match continues and everyone on the other team must be eliminated. Domination: The old classic that everyone both loves and hates makes its return. The object of this game is to capture flags and hold them for as long as possible. The first team to get 200 points wins. Search And Destroy: If Rainbow Six: Siege is a familiar sight then Search and Destroy is going to feel right at home. Players on teams of 1-6 take turns both defending and attacking bomb sites. Headquarters: A designated headquarters pops up on the map and the team’s mission is to capture the headquarters location and hold it for as long as possible or until the timer for the location ends after 30 seconds. The match finishes when either the match timer ends or the 200 point limit is reached. No respawns once the headquarters is captured. Hardpoint: Similar to Headquarters but the big difference is the point limit raises to 250 and there are respawns when you die. Kill Confirmed: Killing a player is one thing. Confirming them is another. In this mode when players die, they leave dog tags that must be picked up. If they’re the enemies’ team tags, you get a point, if tags are for someone on the player’s team, then you save a point from being taken. The first team to 75 points wins. Capture The Flag: Capture The Flag is an oldie but a goody. The player has to get to the other team’s base, take their flag and return it to their base to earn a point. Infected: The recent zombie infestation of video games has come to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Here, teams are split into the infected side or the healthy side. The mission, eliminate all the infected or eliminate all the healthy players. The added twist is the infected side can infect players of the other team and turn them against the healthy side. Gun Game: The player starts with a gun and at each kill made the gun changes the score limit is reached.  This mode is similar to Free-For-All but with the change of guns being a difference-maker. Team Deathmatch 10v10: Deathmatch mode but with 10 players on each team. Score limit is increased to 100 points vs. 75 points in regular Deathmatch. Domination 10v10: Identical to the Domination mode, this version simply raises the team size which increases the level of chaos. Scoring is still 200 points.

Realism Mosh Pit In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

For the hardcore player in all of us there comes a time when we need that extra bit of challenge and nowhere is this truer than in Realism Mosh Pit. No HUD, barely any hit detection and higher damage for headshots. This mode encompasses the previous modes listed but with those extra stipulations. Get ready for a challenge!

Ground War In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

This is a giant version of Domination where there are five objectives to capture rather than three, a larger map than the previously mentioned modes and a player size of 32 players per team. This mode has the added benefit of having vehicles that can be used during the fight such as tanks and choppers. Since the size of the map is so huge, respawning can be done on either captured objectives or teammates. This is all-out war so be prepared to bring your A-game to this insanity.

Gunfight In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

This 2v2 mode has two key parts to it. Only two players to each team and when switching sides, the guns change as well. This is a great mode to improve as the gun changes and close-quarter maps make these matches exciting and keep the player on their toes. Also, the first team to win 6 rounds wins.

Choosing Gunfight Custom will allow you to choose your loadout, otherwise, this mode is the same.

Deathmatch Domination In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

This is a combination of both Deathmatch and Domination where points are earned by either getting kills or holding the flags just like in Domination. Because of the various methods of getting points, the point total is high with 300 points giving the win.

Shipment 24/7 In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

This mode is absolute madness mixed with a bit of chaos and carnage. One tiny map, two teams of six spawning and respawning and killing in a deathmatch style mode. Shipment 24/7 is a very tame title for this mode.

More: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Beginner’s Guide to Online Multiplayer

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare is available for PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One.