With the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the highly popular Spec Ops game mode has made its return. Despite the controversies surrounding its exclusivity and missing features on release, players still find themselves completing the missions for extra experience points. Players of the gamemode from the original Modern Warfare titles might remember the challenging missions they had to experience, especially the infamous Juggernauts. New and old players alike will surely face defeat from these hard-to-kill enemies if they’re not prepared.

Juggernauts have an absurd amount of body armor and health, and they will slowly walk towards players while firing their powerful minigun. Without the proper approach or strategy to defeat these brutes, players will constantly die and reset the mission. However, this guide will go over everything players will need to know from the best weapons to the best roles to use to become efficient Juggernaut killing machines.

Weapons to Easily Kill Juggernauts

  • Riot Shield

The Riot Shield is the number one “weapon” players will need to use to efficiently kill Juggernauts without the risk of dying. If a player has a Riot Shield, Juggernauts will target that player and soak up all of the minigun fire for the team. The rest of the team can then unload all of their bullets into it. However, the Riot Shield player does need to be careful because the melee attack from Juggernauts can still kill them in just two hits.

  • Shotguns (R9-0 or Origin 12 Shotgun Delta)

Just like in multiplayer, Shotguns are incredibly powerful at killing Juggernauts in Spec Ops. Not every player on the squad needs to carry a Riot Shield, so if someone already has one, players should equip themselves with at least one of these weapons. They can stagger approaching Juggernauts and deal massive amounts of damage. The main risk of using Shotguns is the need to stay in close range, but with the Riot Shield taking all of the attention away, the risk is minimized.

Roles to Easily Kill Juggernauts

  • Assault

The Team Stopping Power ability from the Assault role absolutely destroys Juggernauts. When a Juggernaut is fixated on the Riot Shield player, activate the Assault ability and watch the Juggernaut melt in less than 10 seconds. At least one player one every team should should be the Assault Role.

  • Medic

The Medic role is a great support role to have on any team, regardless of the situation. The Team Revive ability can revive everyone at once, which will make long fights much easier for the team to handle. The recharge rate on the Team Revive ability is extremely slow, so it is suggested that each squad has at least two Medics to use the ability as much as possible.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.