Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s second wave of free content has been released, which involves new additional game modes and quality of life updates. This is part of Activision’s promise of free updates after the company eliminated loot boxes in favor of a battle pass.

Modern Warfare served as a soft reboot for the franchise, bringing back its more traditional formula first introduced in Call of Duty 4, such as regenerating health and kill-streaks. It has also been quite a success for Activision financially, as it was the best selling Call of Duty game ever on opening weekend. However, it hasn’t escaped criticism, with balancing issues, the multiplayer map design and Activision’s deal with Sony to have Spec Ops survival mode exclusive to the PlayStation 4 for one year.

This new wave of content for Modern Warfare includes a new multiplayer mode and playlist rotation, additional Spec Ops missions and playlist rotation as well as more fine-tuning. For starters, Modern Warfare reintroduces fan favorite Gun Game, a free-for-all mode that has players compete against each other through a cycle of weapons. The playlist rotation involves the ‘realism’ feature, which removes the HUD and adjusts damage input, to the objective modes in multiplayer.

Lastly, three new Spec Ops missions have been included in this co-operative mode, which vaguely continues off the ending of Modern Warfare’s campaign mode. Operation Harbinger has players investigating downtown Verdansk for intel and rescuing an informant. Operation Brimstone has you detonating an enemy train filled with explosives on a map akin to Ground War. Classic Spec Ops: Door Kick is more straightforward, requiring players to collect intel at Aniyah Palace. This update will also bring back the three-star rating system and multiplayer unlocks that was missing in Modern Warfare previously. The rating system will also apply to the last classic Spec Ops mission, Safeguard.

This latest update brings been much needed features to the game. It addresses a part of Spec Ops’ criticism, which added to the mode’s competitive and fast-paced nature. The addition of Gun Game is also nice, as it was a unique mode that has lasting appeal ever since its debut in the first Black Ops game. Overall, this free update provides substantial content that’ll appeal to active players of Modern Warfare, along with roping back some that dropped off.

Next: The Best Loadouts & Weapons to Use in Modern Warfare Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s new wave of content is available now for Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC.

Source: Activision