After chatting with Tim Cook about Apple and the enterprise at BoxWorks today, Box took the wraps off a new app for business customers using the iPhone camera. Box Capture is an iOS-only app with enterprise-friendly features like security compliance built on Box’s mobile software development tools.

Like the built-in camera app, Capture shoots both photos and videos but with simpler camera without filters and various camera-types in the way. Capture differs though because it’s built on the SDK that Box offers clients for building Box features into their own apps.

Where Box Capture starts really shines is by automating business processes around taking photos and videos. When a Capture user shoots a photo or video for an assignment, the media is sent to Box storage including specific folders for access by team members within the company. Capture highlights metadata like when the photo was shot and where it was taken, and other team members can discuss captured photos and videos using comments.

Box Capture will be available on the App Store starting today.
