WeiPhone forums (via Macotakara) has what appears to be a bin full of ‘iPhone 5C’ packaging (above). There is no way to verify if these are from an Apple production line or simply some knockoffs.

If these belong to Apple (big if), the assumption would be that the C will stand for “Color’ or ‘plastiC’ or ‘polyCarbonate’ or ‘China’ or ‘Cheap’ or ‘Consumer’ or something else in the same way that ‘S’ stands for speed. Theoretically, the aluminum model would be the iPhone 5S which of course would be speedier and have other upgrades.

As an example of Apple’s packaging, the 5G iPod touch looks to have a similar but thinner enclosure, right.

iLounge had previously gone on record with the prediction that the budget iPhone would be called the 5C.

Update: Nowhereelse.fr has disected the image and found some irregularities, below:


Has the Onion nailed it again?