The Big Bang Theory is one of the longest running sitcoms of the modern era. Though it recently ended after a lengthy 12 season run, that does not mean that every single question that the fandom had about the show was answered.

Today we will be exploring ten fan theories that attempt to explain different characters, backstories, and storylines from The Big Bang Theory. Note: the theories which involve Sheldon do not take the spin-off into consideration as this article is focused on the main show itself.

10. Sheldon Is Not Really Like That

Sheldon is known for using the people around him in his various experiments in order to learn about human nature and its limits. Sheldon is also known for being insufferably neurotic and driving the people around him mad with his eccentric and demanding behaviour. But what if it was all a ruse?

What if Sheldon created this character in order to see what people will put up with in a roommate? He asked people about their worst roommate experiences, collected the data, and used it to create the worst roommate of all time. And then he rented the best apartment he could find and set up interviews to see who would agree to move in with him and how far he could go before they fled?

9. It Was All A Dream

The Big Bang Theory is no stranger to fantasy sequences, as many of the episodes of the show during its long run contain brief moments in which the characters step away from reality and imagine a situation which is better than the one they are currently experiencing.

There is a theory that states that the entire plot of the show’s 10 year run is actually a dream had by Leonard after him first meeting Penny. He is simply dreaming of the life that he might have with the beautiful blonde next door but, in reality, he is too shy to ever speak to her.

8. Penny’s Secret Backstory

Many fans noticed the similarities between Kaley Cuoco’s characters on both The Big Bang Theory and 8 Simple Rules. Both are vapid, popular, blondes with an unexpected love for sports, and a need to be the centre of attention. They both use their looks to get what they want and can be catty when pushed but still have hearts of gold. They even have the same mother! Maybe Bridget changed her name, moved to Hollywood, and created a more interesting small town backstory in order to add to the small-town/girl-next-store brand she created for herself.

Though some have remarked that we have met Penny’s father and he is a completely different character, it is important to note that the father on 8 Simple Rules did pass away so it could be possible that Penny’s father is simply her stepfather.

7. Behind The Selective Mutism

One of the more bizarre aspects of the earlier seasons of the show is Raj’s selective mutism. Though it would have been a wonderful opportunity to explore a specific type of social anxiety, this issue is often written off as a punchline. However, representation for this type of social anxiety is quite rare so many theories have arisen over the years that have turned this punchline into a rather intriguing character trait.

One theory states that his selective mutism arose from a repressed childhood trauma that caused him to be unable to communicate with the opposite sex. Perhaps a moment of abuse or deep humiliation that occurred in his early/formative years that was never addressed and ended up manifesting in this mutism.

6. Not As Inept As They Let On

One of the biggest criticisms that people have about the portrayal of the more geeky characters within the show is the fact that they are often shown as socially inept weirdos. Was this just a clumsy attempt to portray nerdy characters or is it all an act?

This theory states that the boys were actually far more skilled at social interactions than they let on, but their more awkward moments were either done in an attempt to come across as more endearing to the opposite sex or even as an experiment done to see how far people would let them go into “weirdo territory” before they excused themselves from the conversation.

5. Saving A Life

Over the years, Stuart (the comic book shop owner) becomes part of the group. He is brought into their social circle and becomes a fixture in some of the bigger moments in their lives. However, the chemistry is just off between Stuart and the rest of the group and, at times, it can feel like they don’t really know how to react to the things that he says and does; as his words often come across as a cry for help.

Is it possible that the group noticed his anguish during their many visits to the comic book shop and decided to bring him into the group in order to prevent a possible tragedy from occurring? Their involvement in his life seems to truly turn his mental health around and maybe that was their goal all along.

4. Leonard Was Adopted

Leonard’s parents are analytical, dry, and obsessed with data. His mother has written books on child-rearing from a psychological perspective, based on Leonard’s childhood behaviour and how he reacted to different stimuli. Could it be possible that they simply adopted the boy and raised him for the sole purpose of studying his development in a non-traditional science-based home?

Perhaps Leonard’s adoptive parents wanted to see if they could raise a child in a clinical fashion and still have them turn out to be a productive member of society in the end.

3. Penny, The Secret Genius?

Penny is often seen as the straight man of the show (meaning that she is the relatively normal character that exists as a foil to the more eccentric characters and she acts as a stand-in for the audience to react to their antics in a realistic way.) She is not a scientist nor a genius. She is simply a small town girl trying to figure out how to make life work in the big city. Or is she?

This theory asks viewers to question whether or not her ditzy behaviour was an act. Perhaps she is secretly a genius herself and is studying how people will react to her based on her looks (i.e. if they will write her off entirely because of her conventionally attractive exterior.) Or maybe she is simply a method actor, who wanted to live life as the character she created for her screenplay to see whether or not it was a realistic character. Speaking of that screenplay…

2. A Real-Life Screenplay

In a fun twist on the classic “it was all a dream” fan theory that follows every film and television show ever made, this one asks the question of whether or not the entire events of the show are simply part of Penny’s screenplay.

In the pilot of the show, she mentions that she is working on a screenplay that is obviously mirroring her own life. This theory states that everything that follows that moment in the show is simply part of her screenplay and that she sold the show which became the very thing that we are viewing.

1. Sheldon’s Real Parents

This conspiracy theory/fan theory exists in a similar vein to the aforementioned “Leonard Adoption” theory in that it asks the question of whether or not Sheldon’s parents truly are his parents. Ignoring the prequel and viewing the show as a standalone, one could see where this theory comes from. He is unlike any other member of his family and, despite his behaviour and eccentricities, they are determined to show him warmth, kindness, and understanding at all turns.

One could see the reasoning behind wondering if he was adopted and his family putting up with his increasingly bizarre behaviour could be due to the fact that they don’t want him to feel like he doesn’t belong in their family unit, especially with his twin sister (who one would assume was also adopted) blending into the family so easily.